
转载 腾讯云品牌重塑

腾讯出品  VI    2021.05.20



Brand Overview




Tencent Cloud is committed to provide high-quality cloud services including cloud computing, cloud data and cloud operations for enterprises and entrepreneurs. Based on the years of massive cloud-based business technology, it covers many areas such as infrastructure to fine operation, platforms to ecological capacity, games, videos, mobile applications, finance, government and etc. Also industry solutions, and building cloud servers, cloud database, audio, video and a series of entertaining products are Tencent cloud’s coverage.


Renewal Goal



  • 目标1:独特的云图形标志赋予品牌年轻形象;

  • 目标2:中性而简洁的文字标志(SNG字体)体现时尚形象;

  • 目标三:统一的品牌系统使得品牌形象更稳定结实。


As the brand grew bigger, Tencent Cloud decided to renewal the brand logo to have strong and unified brand image. There was 3 renewal goal for this project.


  • Goal 1: Unique cloud symbol to give young image of the brand

  • Goal 2: Neutral and simple logotype for modern image

  • Goal 3: Unified brand system which can make a strong brand image



Renewal Process





  • 稳定:提供稳定的云服务;

  • 快速:提供快速访问;

  • 安全:安全可靠地储存每个用户数据。


1.Brand Keyword

Based on the features of Tencent Cloud, we’ve defined 3 main keywords of the brand.


  • Stability: Provides stable services

  • Speed: Provides fast access

  • Security: Stores user data securely and reliably





  • 独特的云造型;

  • 包含关键词;

  • 年轻,时尚形象。


2. Idea Sketches

Various sketches has been done to find distinctive cloud shape which can contain the concept of Tencent Cloud.


  • Distinctive cloud shape

  • Shape containing the key words

  • Young & modern image


3. 造型优化



3. Shape Refining

After the symbol shape has been decided, shape variations has been studied to find the most simple and balanced shape.



New Brand Identity System


1. 图形标志



  • 连续环形(连接/系统/多样)

  • 圆滑云状(云/蓝色/平滑)

  • 可闭合开口(安全/锁定/存储)



Final symbol conveys 3 concepts which symbolizes Tencent Cloud brand image.


  • Connected Rings (Connect / System / Diversity)

  • Rounded Cloud Shape (Cloud / Blue / Smooth)

  • Closable Open End (Security / Lockup / Store)


2. 文字标志



2. Logotype

Neutral and simple logotype was designed based on SNG font system.


3. 标志



3. Logo

Tencent Cloud logo is made up of symbol and logotype following SNG logo system.

4. 色彩



4. Color

Tencent Cloud has 3 main colors extracted from the symbol color. Sub colors can be used as a supportive color for applications. The graph below represents the proportion of color usage in Tencent Cloud brand.



5. 图标系统



  • 设计规则 1:保持宽高均为11x;

  • 设计规则 2:保持相同粗线笔画厚度;

  • 设计规则 3:保持开口端。


5. Icon System

Tencent Cloud basic icons help to broaden graphic expression of Tencent Cloud brand. All of Tencent Cloud basic icons are made based on 3 rules explained below. New icons can be made if needed under the subject that relates to the Tencent Cloud industry.


  • Rule 1: Keep 11x by 11x.

  • Rule 2: Keep same stroke thickness.

  • Rule 3: Keep an open end in one part.






6. Motion Graphics

Brand video shows how Tencent Cloud logo conveys and expresses the meaning of three key words of the brand (stability, speed, security) into the brand identity.





7. Guidelines

Simple guidelines is made for quick and easy usage of the logo and icon system. Also brandbook which is an official guidelines is published containing all the brand system of Tencent Cloud and explains how to use them.





8. Applications

Brand identity system is applied to the brand communication materials to suggest a strong brand image in a consistent manner. Tencent Cloud logo and icon system can be applied in various ways under the rules that Tencent Cloud guidelines allow.



Brand Launch


1. 品牌发布会



1. Brand Launching Conference


This new brand identity of Tencent Cloud has been launched at Tencent Cloud New strategy Conference held in Beijing in March, 2016. 77 medias participated the conference and they published 206 articles which was read by more than 300 thousand people.


2. 品牌广告



2. Brand Advertisement

The new brand identity of Tencent Cloud was shown on the advertisement in New York times square, introducing the key features of Tencent Cloud service.




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